The FieldBase Way: The Commitment to Excellence

Our "FieldBase Way" initiative is designed to help us maintain high standards at all times by ensuring that everyone on our team demands high-quality work and safety for themselves and those who work for or with them.

At FieldBase, we believe that our most valuable resource is our employees. We are committed to ensuring their safety and operating responsibly without endangering them or the communities in which we serve. We strive for sustainable development and are committed to minimising our environmental impact.


The Company shall demonstrate visible, meaningful and effective Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) Leadership by developing safe work practices to control hazards and manage high-risk work.

  • Safe work practices shall be developed, implemented and continuously improved to control hazards and manage high-risk work.
  • A safe and healthy working environment shall be established, promoted and continuously improved upon.
  • Environmental aspects shall be identified, evaluated, managed and minimised, throughout the Full Asset Life Cycle.
  • Training programs shall be developed and implemented to promote awareness of HSE principles and ensure competence among Employees responsible for HSE objectives.
  • Health, Safety and Environment Events shall be promptly and effectively reported, investigated, appropriate actions are taken and findings shared to prevent a recurrence.

Our HSE performance is measured using reporting tools, self-inspections, and audits, to evaluate the system’s effectiveness and review the goals and methods used as part of a continuous improvement approach. The quality employee communicates the HSE philosophy to all employees, customers and interested parties. We are currently implementing an OHSAS 18001:2007 standard.

FIELDBASE’s Management is committed to the development and improvement of an effective Quality Management System. Management ensures that customer needs and expectations are determined and fulfilled with the aim of meeting or exceeding those expectations. The specific needs of our customers are determined through continual written communication. It is the responsibility of all employees that communicate with customers to identify needs and bring them to the attention of management so that they may be appropriately addressed.


The management review of the Quality System takes place annually with the following objectives:

  • To establish that the QMS is achieving its expected objectives and continuously satisfying the customers’ needs.
  • To identify deficiencies, and limitations and evaluate possible improvements.
  • To assess the effectiveness of previous corrective actions.
  • To review any complaints received, identify the cause and recommend corrective action if required and provide steps to prevent future occurrence.
  • To review the finding of internal/ external audits and identify any areas of recurring problems or potential improvements.
  • To review the reports of nonconforming services. Internal audits of the Quality System are undertaken at least once per annum to confirm that the function concerned is adhering to the Company’s Procedures. Any nonconformance observed is brought to the attention of the employee responsible, and is recorded, documented and subject to timely corrective action to ensure full amendment.